Tuesday, November 06, 2012

those friends

the ones that when it's been five years since the last time you were altogether, there's absolutely NO time lost.

the ones that give the hardest, fullest hugs. 

the ones that you fall immediately into real, honest conversation with. 

the ones that laugh at all the same things, even when it's probably not nearly as funny to others.

the ones that God has given you for a lifetime.

the ones that you don't want to go to bed because you will miss their company.

the ones that make fun of you in all the right ways.

the ones that love all of each other's little quirks.

the ones that can encourage your soul like no other.

the ones that knew you then and know you now.

the ones that ask hard questions.

the ones that you want to share so many moments with that a few days is NEVER enough.

the ones that share tears over where the Lord has them right now.

the ones that can truly sit and talk for hours and hours and hours and hours.

the ones that care about heart things and are seeking the Lord right where they are.

the ones that make you laugh harder than anyone else (except maybe your husband).

the ones that you made memories with in college and can still make memories with today.

those friends. yep, those are the ones i got to share a weekend with in the snowy mountains of north carolina. what an incredible blessing. 

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