Tuesday, January 22, 2013

school days

we have a had a couple of really good school weeks this month. thank goodness because i was losing all hope in everything. 

there have been moments i wouldn't trade for anything i could imagine and there have been moments i would trade to scrub toilets. homeschooling is overwhelmingly full of ups and downs and has been a learning process for all of us. hopefully i will go into the ins and outs of that when i can find words.

 i did capture just a few images of one little william during our school days that i just had to remember. it hasn't been easy with a very vibrant toddler afoot vying for every ounce of me at all moments of the day. but there are many of those moments he joins right and in and i can see that little one learning!

he never lets us forget he is here. his attention span is short but focused. which is good when he's on and not so good when he's off.

he frequently cracks us up with his independence and his antics. like today. i thought i heard him go downstairs but i was right in the middle of a lesson with grey. i got grey working on an assignment and headed downstairs to check on him. this is what i found.

eating chips on the couch that he had strategically gotten from the pantry himself. 

which is strangely reminiscent of all the other times he gets into the pantry for snacks.

today, about and hour later he helps himself again to a very large bag of cheerios. he's such a cute little weasel. 

tuck pretty much lives the high life on his bike and doing all the fun things school has to offer. i haven't even been brave enough to consider formally schooling this youngster. thankfully i have a whole year and half to nail things down. and to get one more year under my belt. he's an entirely different ball game.

grey bear is doing exceptionally well with a very scattered mother who is getting her act together. thankfully he is patient and kind to me and is learning all the while.

Monday, January 21, 2013

twenty-nine and a half

yesterday i was officially twenty-nine and a half.

there are evidences of my age all throughout my life and i find myself saying, "wow, i'm getting old" a whole, whole lot. i thought i'd document some of those things at my ripe old age.

1. what they say about skin and aging and such is true. i don't think i ever really believed that i would get wrinkles beside my eyes or the skin on my face would sag a little. oh my how i was wrong. i am looking older and i see it! it doesn't necessarily scare me though. i actually think it makes me feel like an adult for the first time in my life because for some reason being responsible for three children doesn't.

2. i don't know if it's my age or the fact that i really hate t.v. but anytime i turn the thing on i am horribly disgusted and make comments like "this is trash, ALL trash!" i mostly sound like an 80 year old woman.

3. last may, while i was in clemson for the day sans children, a girl ma'amed me for heavens sake! and it has happened frequently since then along with adding mrs. at the beginning of my name. 

4. when i break out my dance moves including the butterfly around our students they impolitely stare at me and ask "meghan, what in the world are you doing?" and i give them the whole, "what do you mean what am i doing?! it's the butterfly, duh." and they laugh at me. sidenote: grey knows the roger rabbit, the dip, AND the butterfly thank you very much.

5. while at passion this year surrounded by about 60,000 college students, i realized how incredibly unfashionable i am. i mean i don't wear mom jeans but i am way behind the times. and anytime someone compliments me on my "style" it's mostly because someone else i.e. my fashion friends, have picked out my outfit and coaxed me to buy it.

6. speaking of jeans, i bought a pair of jeans at eddie bauer after christmas. AND i liked a lot of things in their store.  that is proof right there that i am getting on up there. 

7. i like to watch birds. i used to make so much fun of my parents for watching birds. who would've thought.

8. upon going to the dentist after 5 1/2 years with 3 pregnancies in between, i ended up with THIRTEEN cavities. seriously now. that's a lot of cavities for someone who brushes morning and night (for the most part). matthew and i decided after the enormous amount dental work i had to have done and the fact that we are much much more mature now, we would get each other sonicare toothbrushes for christmas this year. that's old. and we bond each night while brushing, flossing, and listerine-ing together.

9. i want a schedule and to make plans and to write things down for heavens sake. never in my life. i think it's called maturity and a need with all these children running around. and along with that, i'm actually thinking beyond this very moment. i'm thinking 10 years down the road and praying about what that means for now.

10. i'm so out of touch with pop culture that i had to google what the top ten song artists are right now. and when i listened to their songs i exclaimed again, "this is trash, ALL trash!"

11. i wear slippers and have to squint to see far away. sometimes after sitting on the floor for a while my knees hurt when i get up. i am fairly out of touch with technology and worse than that, i don't really care.

BUT i can still drink coffee at night and sleep like a baby. i still really love to learn. i have all the energy i need each day and THAT is a blessing.

and really, it's about time for me to be thirty. so much has happened in my twenties that sometimes i can't believe i'm not there yet. i think i'm looking forward to it.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

insta january

we are settling back in after lots of holiday and post holiday travel. it was all so good but we were all ready to get back to routine.

needless to say, that routine has been overflowing with coffee. i have had my fair share and then some. one of these days maybe i'll cut back. or maybe not.

matthew and i rang in the new year in Atlanta. we had the pleasure of going to the chicfila bowl to see those clemson tigers play some football. we had a blast and enjoyed biting our nails until the very last seconds of the game. i personally think we are good luck for all of their big games and we are contemplating hiring out our services next year.

we spent the next 3 nights and days in the georgia dome as well but on a totally different note. we took 27 of our own college students to passion 2013 this year. it was a great time of perspective for me personally and i thoroughly enjoyed all that time with those particular students. i know the Lord used it to make us more aware of His majesty.

{the view from our hotel room as i fell asleep every night.}

grey bear. he gets bigger every day. here he is coming up with a new snack for himself. it was delicious actually and we've had it quite a few times since!

he also loves his hair spiked just right.

william. a cape wearing, cowboy boot lover, book reader extraordinaire, bicycle rider, charmer to the max, lip buster, almost two year old. 

tucker. never lets me take a picture of him and if he does it looks like this.

or this. always always on the go and up to something.

a little evidence of our 2013 declutteraganza. i have made huge strides in my organizational skills over the years and i am working right through this all on my own this time! 

one of my favorite things is walking upstairs and overhearing conversations that prove not only that all three of the boys are not only getting along great but also using their imaginations to the fullest. 

 {afternoon train ride.}

{hour long after dinner dance party.}

 {oh the camping tales!}

{grey reading to his brothers.}

still dating this guy.

we love having nathan, allison, garrett, and wyatt living so close! i think will and wyatt are fond of each other. man they're cute. 

enjoying january and hoping for some snow in the coming weeks!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

10 days in

here we are 10 days in to 2013. i guess this my inaugural 2013 post for the blog. just today i started to think on what this year holds and i got excited. i got excited because i know as the years pass and i look back, the one recurring thing i can see so clearly is growth

and i'm positive this year will not be any different. because the Lord is always faithful to grow and change us. He does the growing. 

i know this year will bring a lot of change for us. i can feel it already. i know it. i know this year we will step out in faith in bigger ways than ever before. and in that, we will depend on the Lord like we never have. i am anticipating we will be humbled more and more as the days pass and that humility before a great God will drive us in all things.

i know it's coming. we are just waiting for it to unfold. 

i don't have goals or resolutions. but i WILL plant His word in my heart and watch it come to life.

i am so thankful in this moment for those He has placed in our lives to walk all of the journey together. may we run hard with perseverance because He is always faithful.


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