Monday, November 30, 2020

November 2020


We mostly enjoyed fires, football, and lots of time outside in the beautiful weather. We watched the leaves turn the prettiest shades in our own backyard. We frequented the Greenway as well. 

We had lots of time with friends here at home. 

We went on a field trip to Cherry Place Farm and the boys ran around the corn maze for hours. 

Gigi and Papa took all the kids one weekend and they went to a drive through zoo. Will loved this llama so much. They had a blast! 

Friday, November 27, 2020

Thanksgiving 2020

We spent Thanksgiving with Marmie and Poppie in Simpsonville this year. It was such a relaxing week. We jumped in the leaves, cooked, played football, went to the park, played lots of games, and were just together. It was such a wonderful time with them! 


Monday, November 16, 2020

Backtrack: October 2020 Camping!

We received the sweetest gift of a pop up camper and took her for a one night spin down to Dreher Island State park. After tent camping for years, the pop up was so wonderful! We had an absolute blast! The kids fished most of the time. We had simple camping food, slept tight in the camper (their favorite part!) and sat around the fire. We cannot wait for MANY more camping trips to come.


Friday, November 13, 2020

October 2020

October days were cool and sweet. 

We had a trip up to hike and get coffee and see all the leaves change. 

Grey and Tucker finished up a great XC season where they both were challenged and grew so very much. 

Will performed a skit for us with his class of The Lion Witch and the Wardrobe. He was the professor and did a wonderful job! 

The boys went backpacking one weekend and had a blast. Unfortunately the rain cut their trip short but only made them want to do it again! Lucy and I had a girls weekend which included movies, pumpkin picking, and baking!

Halloween was so different this year. With older kids not really wanting to dress up to COVID making everyone basically throw candy at you, it was pretty quiet. 

We are so grateful for these days of growing together in all the seasons. Especially fall :) 



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