Monday, November 19, 2012

the color run

the color run. 

with our family. 

so much fun! 

friday night we went out sans children and enjoyed dinner and dessert and coffee together. truly a special treat for all of us. and we vowed it will have at least happen once a year if not more often. it's just too good to all be together like that.

we woke early, hit starbucks, and froze our buns off waiting to run. it was the happiest 5k on the planet :) it's true what they say. it was pretty happy and messy with a DANCE PARTY at the end. i've never seen my husband break it down like that.

we were smack dab in the middle of the party and there were a few times i lost sight of any light because there was so much color. it was awesome.


  1. Loved every single minute of it!!! Everyone must try the color run at least once in their lifetime!

  2. i have never seen something like this! how fun!!



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