Tuesday, August 23, 2011

this and that

just to catch myself up on life...

we all missed the grey bear last week. 

like really missed him. 
i will have to do a completely separate post on all of the four year camp fun. there was lots. 

we had quite the weekend that included a good ol' fashioned trip to the emergency room, heavy pain medication, a few barf bags, and one tired me. thankfully on sunday afternoon matthew passed that dadgum kidney stone and we could finally move on with our lives. poor guy. let's just say i'm glad that's over and i hope he never has to experience it again. at least we'll be more prepared next time. for a short while i thought he may be having a heart attack!

 thankfully grey bear joined the ranks back at home because tuck missed his playmate. he NEEDED me to play with him every second of every day last week. i don't fair so well jumping off of couches, eating dirt, and playing with dead worms. we all appreciate the grey bear. he came home with some funny tales of classic memories with his cousins. and he seemed about 2 years older. i hate how that happens. did i say i missed him? because i did.

those two have been playing like champs together the past two days! 

this weekend, i also caught the mice that ate through tuck's twin mattress for his big boy bed. i was far too excited about this but THEY ATE THROUGH A PERFECTLY GOOD MATTRESS! anyhow, a very generous friend had a twin mattress that we could have so we finally got tuck's bed set up. since he's been crawling out of his crib for over a month now it was about time. i think it's safe to say he loves it! 

{muscle man}

the will baby is somewhat successfully eating bananas and sweet potatoes. somewhat being the key word. i secretly have this fear that he's going to want to nurse until he's seven. i'm totally not okay with that. i do realize he's only 5 months old but STILL. it's irrational, i know. 

i am totally loving his faces while he eats!

cute E patoot E! 

that about wraps up some of the bigger happenings. 
up next: some absolutely delicious, very healthy new recipes!


  1. I love the picture of Tucker in the sandbox with his tongue out. That sand must have been some serious business.

  2. So glad Matthew is doing better! That is such a hard thing to watch! Our prayers were definitely answered that he didn't have to go into the hospital to have them removed! Now you can get back to your "normal" life, ha!!



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