Monday, November 15, 2010

full moments

I have tried at least 10 or more times to write the words that accurately depict what is in my heart. The words aren't there. They just aren't. I'm not going to force it. I need to move on and hopefully they will come eventually. I have spent the last few months studying Colossians. The Lord has been faithful to teach me innumerable things but I know He's not done. I am technically done with the study but it's obvious to me, He's not done teaching me. I've found myself at 6 a.m. standing in awe of Jesus and all that He is. That alone has changed the minutes that make up my days but He has more to teach me. 

So I'll wait. 

I have seen immediate fruit in a few areas of my life. It's incredibly encouraging in my walk to have those immediate "changes" take place as a result of Christ in me. And to know that's exactly why there is change. Not because of anything I can muster up. It's Christ in me. Thank you God. 

One of those areas is simply awareness. Awareness that the Lord has placed me where I am, at such a time as this, and He intends that I work heartily and give Him thanks. The joy He has filled my heart with in the simple moments with my boys is unexplainable. Not to say every moment is magical because believe me, they aren't. But I will say that His joy has filled my soul in my mundane days with them. 

Our simple moments together have been filled with an extra fullness. When I look at these two pictures that were taken last week at a park, they sum up for me the fullness of our time. These moments I will hold so close to my heart. I thank God for the mundane and gently teaching me in even these moments.

1 comment:

  1. beautiful words! Just the encouragement I needed to hear this morning. :)



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