Tuesday, June 15, 2010

when it's hot

we have to fill our time with things to do inside. when we aren't enjoying the pool (after this weather i sure do wish we had one in the backyard!) we are...

having lots of pillow fights. and pile ons. you know, like pile on mommy! i have no pictures of that because i'm typically on the bottom of the pile.

giving our thomas's a bath in the kitchen sink (or flower vase), pantsless. 

stuffing our faces.

do puzzles with our pants on our heads. (not me, i promise!) i'm not quite sure why he thought this was ok but i promptly found my camera.
watching sing-a-longs so mommy can actually make dinner. 

and when the sun that provides the scorching heat begins to set, we head outside to get a taste of summer nights. sharing green popsicles on the front porch. notice tuck is signing for more. he didn't get any.

so he resorted to mulch, his most favorite food next to red clay.

grey does our landscaping.

while tuck watches and learns.

hopefully this heat will cease and we can play outside before the sun is setting and maybe i can find some pants to put on my children.

1 comment:

  1. That is too funny. You certainly capture some fun (and interesting) moments.



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