I hope you enjoyed that and can imagine Grey a year older and a little Tuck strapped on in the Bjorn. Why are you imagining? Well let's just say my well thought out photo shoot in the most beautiful weather couldn't happen without a camera!
I got up at 6:30 because I woke up thinking "I better charge the battery for the camera just to make sure we have enough for the whole day." So I proceeded to come downstairs, plug in the battery, and watch the light turn from orange to green signaling that the battery was charged.
I was so excited after singing the "Apple Tree" song (one Grey and I made up) and driving up the curvy road to the apple orchard. Grey has been asking for weeks upon weeks to go pick apples and the time had finally come. My mind was flooding with ideas for some cute pictures this year.
We park and I flip the camera to 'on' and...nothing. No numbers, no lights, no nothing. I flipped it off then on then off the on. Matthew and I tried everything we could possibly imagine and got NOTHING. My next thought process was, "well, I guess it's not meant to be that we get caught up in outrageously awesome photo opportunities but to just enjoy each other." Nah, that couldn't really be what was supposed to happen. There was a perfect amount of cloudiness and sun. I had been looking forward to photographing my Tuck on his first apple picking adventure and HAD to have every apple picked by Grey documented.
Not so. We did have our video camera but it is nowhere close to the same as the thrill I have from trying to compose a good picture. Oh well.
Enough about that. Now everyone is aware of my extreme disappointment in the day. I had to move on and enjoy our time which was fairly easy to do.
This was year number 5 going to Sky Top for Matthew and I. It changes every year in some little way. I will never forget the first year we went. We had been married a couple of months and took a day trip to the mountains. Oh the bliss. We picked bushels of apples with the intent of brewing up some apple butter. We did just that and have every year since. Mmm Mmm delicious!
Moving on. This year we came a week later than last year. There were still loads of apples for us to pick and along with that, loads of yellow jackets to sting Grey Bear. Two of those silly little guys stuck their stinger right into him. They were everywhere. I was trying not to bring attention to that fact but my very sweet, calm husband is terrified of bees. So much for not making a big deal about it.
We did pick lots of apples interrupted by a couple of bee stings, Grey picked out a pumpkin for he and Tucker, we ate hot apple cider donuts, had an apple slushie (or an apple sushi as Grey calls them), road the wagon, played on the playground, climbed the ladder into the trees, had a picnic, measured ourselves at "how tall this fall" and just enjoyed each other. Tuck did awesome. Have I mentioned he's a superstar?! Pretty sure I have quite a few times.
With zero pictures, I am more than saddened. But, the important thing is our goal in the trip was accomplished. A day to enjoy the gift of our family!
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