Sunday, May 04, 2014

grey bear | 7 years


this seems to be a steady age. as you are growing taller and your feet seem to be lengthening by the day, the changes are much more subtle. 

the changes in your heart seem to be the most prominent. 

your smile still shines so bright. your little round face and scrunched up nose i just adore. 

i hate that you are growing older. and i love that you are growing older. 

there is so much of you i have yet to fully understand. and so much of you that YOU have yet to fully understand. usually we just ask daddy and he knows what your thinking, why you are doing things the way you are, and how we can help guide you. because you two are just alike. i don't mean you look alike. i mean you think like him, you act like him, you process like him, you clean your room like him, you explain yourself like him, you approach things like him. it's absolutely insane to watch. and so wonderful to know you have a father here, that knows you well, to seek the Lord on your behalf. to guide you and help you as you grow. 

i can always find you with your nose in a book. you LOVE to read. you stretch yourself out and all around to gobble up book after book. you will gladly read to your brothers too. i even have to coax you occasionally to put your book down and play outside! you love The Boxcar Children especially right now but are starting to enjoy biographies and history more. 

you always, always have a plan. you are learning what it's like to lead in those plans and not force them on others. i ask God daily to develop that in you in all the positive ways. that He would give me wisdom in guiding you as a boy becoming a man. 

i have been so encouraged watching you learn to love selflessly those around you. as i teach you the truth in this area, it pierces me to the core and i am learning right alongside you. always learning. always growing. 

some of our greatest conversations flow from our time together at night. i scratch your back and you talk to me. sometimes it's silly. i hear "what if's" and all the crazy creative ideas your mind has. and sometimes it's the heart stuff. and we both end up with tears in our eyes. but you always squeeze me so tight and kiss my face before i leave you. don't ever stop that please. 

 we can always put you in charge and trust that things are well taken care of. 

i find you on the trampoline most afternoons getting all of that energy out. you are growing so. you eat more than i do and constantly have energy to burn. i remind myself that that's what boys do. eat and play. 

one trait you and i share is the way we feel so loved by spending quality, intentional time with others. you crave one-on-one time and come away so very energized each time. it could be five minutes and that will get you through until the next time. i get it buddy. i'm just like that. you genuinely like to be with others, engaging them. you can connect with people of all ages and i've always loved this about you.

allowing you to help me do anything speaks volumes to your heart. you have always been my sidekick grey bear. you keep me in line and remind me of all the things i don't think about. because you are constantly thinking through things so well.

you have big ideas and like to experiment. i love watching your mind at work through constructing something out of a few materials and making it work the way you intended. this will bode well for you. i will help keep your mind sharp and try my hardest to push you forward in those ideas.

you came to us as a complete surprise. and on your birthday i am always reminded of God's perfect plan. that you were His idea. His creation. and every year i will let a little more of you go, trusting in that perfect plan, even still, for the life He brought in you my big boy.

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