Wednesday, October 15, 2014

picking up the camera

it always happens about this time of year. i get busy with taking pictures of other people's families that i neglect our everyday with my real camera in hand. phone pictures suffice but there's nothing like capturing these boys i love so and controlling most aspects of what is captured. 

though i didn't start until lunchtime today, i was able to catch tucker sneaking up on a bug. i had an adventure in the woods with tuck and will as they sneaked (is that the right word there?) up on me and showed me all their secret places to play including the 'bug club' and the 'hunt club'. i grabbed a shot of grey picking and writing a verse for us, grey and tuck crafting and homeworking, and just a portion of the time they spend on their swings each day. grey and tuck competing to see who can get the highest and will howling as he swings. he seriously howls the whole time he swings.

the conclusion is i have GOT to do this much more often.

1 comment:

  1. their expressions! you've got some heartbreakers on your hands :)



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