{first day of school excitement}
since we are over a month into our kindergarten year with tuck man, i figure i should document some of our happenings.
starting out was not an easy transition. slowly but surely he is getting the hang of it. we have to stay very consistent and there are big results! we started with lots of resistance and a month and a half in, we are reading some words, excited about handwriting, and able to sit in a chair for 20-30 minutes! that's a huge improvement. we will increase our daily school time throughout the year.
we mix in lots of outdoor activities as i know it's vital to his learning style. he is so fun and has so much life that i want to do the fun things all the time with him!
i am enjoying seeing the genuineness of his heart more and more as the days pass. we do have to work a lot academically, but having those heart conversations with him are the main reason for schooling him at home this year. and for that, we have a win!
we started before grey went to school so he entertained will the first few days.
the thing i love so much about having tuck home is all of the life skills we get to work on. and he just so happens to LOVE helping which is a bonus for me. he is so willing and has a great example in grey bear in learning to do things around the house.
the tuck man cares so well for others and will is no exception for him. he is constantly getting ice, bandaids, etc. he is holding ice on will's foot for him here.
he and lila get together for crafts and play time each wednesday. they have "their time." he kisses her and she blushes each time we leave.
doing his quiet time in the early morning.
hunting for animal homes. with a knife in hand.
making nests.
nature study day! when he's most alive. he draws all the things he finds and let me just say, he finds a lot!
what an awesome start to our year! we are really having so much fun.
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