Tuesday, April 08, 2014

the weekly | fourteen

we had a week of yard work and it was just the beginning! i came up with a master backyard plan that may take 5 years to complete, but it's such a creative outlet for me. i could work in the yard for days on end and never tire.

part of that plan was to buy a focal point evergreen tree for the back. so we loaded up and headed to our favorite tree farm. it was very different from our last visit.

the boys ran free in the sunshine, found sticks, and chased butterflies. magical. that place is magical.

we ended up getting to spend time with Steve, the owner. we learned LOTS about trees and got to pick out our very own holly. it's sure to bring the birds and is absolutely perfect.

it wasn't long after that we all came down with the stomach virus but i'll choose not to post pictures of that for everyone's sake.

1 comment:

  1. will's look of concentration reminds me a lot of grey's—tongue out and all!



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