Tucker Ellis Cavin . 8 weeks
Matthew, Grey and I are enjoying him so much. He has started smiling ALL the time along with laughing and cooing which really melt my heart. His features are changing a little each day. He is still pretty much on his same schedule but I am desperately trying to stretch out his eating times. The size of his thighs tells me he's getting plenty of nutrition :) I'm really holding out for him to sleep all the way through the night some day soon. He pretty much sleeps from around 9 until 4-4:30. Then until 7:15ish. He sleeps really well but I'm not ready to start my day at 4 so I don't consider it "through" the night.
Sometimes I just look at Tuck's sweet little face and wonder why God chooses to give us such special gifts. It puts the terrible twos in perspective for me :) I see God's measure of grace in my two boys' faces and am so grateful for the opportunity I have been given to be their mother. I have many moments of weakness in motherhood but am constantly reminded of the grace that has been given to me and I am to pour that on my children. His strength is truly made perfect in my weakness!
Your babies are so beautiful! Wow the little one is really growing.