My 26th birthday "official" celebration started on Saturday. This is the first year since we've been married that Matthew has been in the country on my birthday. Needless to say, I expected good thigns. Matthew had arranged for us to go to the Melting pot for dinner. He got the one and only Karen Adams along with her two wonderful girls, Meredith and Lauren, to stay with Grey and Tucker. I hadn't been this excited about a date in a long time. (probably due to a lack of time with Matthew) We both knew the Melting Pot would be delicious, plus prime for good conversation. We arrived as early birds at 5:30 only to find out they didn't have a table for 2 until 10:30! We were extremely dissappointed. Good thing our anniversary is in a few weeks :) We did, however, pass an Italian restaurant we've been wanting to try so we decided on that. Man was it a GREAT choice! We did manage to have wonderful conversation while bopping along to the tunes of the great Natalie Imbruglia. I knew I wanted to stop in to Trader Joes while we were downtown so we did that. Matthew had never been and loved it. We will be making monthly trips there now :)
Yesterday, my actual day of birth, I woke up to the warm, delicious smell of homemade french toast with warm peaches.

I traditionally have always opened birthday presents at breakfast. Matthew had already told me I wouldn't have mine from he and Grey until later. Thankfully my mom and dad had mailed my present so I was not disappointed! (I'm so spoiled, I know) Being sharp as tacs, they had heard me mention that I wanted Photoshop Elements and they delivered! I am so anxious to get working on our pictures.
This was a day I could decide what I wanted to do and I wanted to take Grey to the library. So after a snuggle on the couch with my two boys, we headed out.

I spent the afternoon reading Grey's books to him, reading my new book, making cards, having lunch served to me in the hammock and relaxing like nobody's business. Tuck and I took a little snooze on the couch.

After our snooze, Grey and Matthew made their birthday presentation. A Firepit! I have been wanting one for quite some time. Matthew said it right when he said "I know you like a good experience more than a cheesy gift and this will provide great experiences with our family and friends!"

I also enjoyed both Grey and Tucker all day. Here's a pic of little Tuck man. He's changing so much and I am truly falling more and more in motherly love with this little life!

The afternoon was somewhat of a letdown when I discovered that the popped tire that Matthew waited at Wal-Mart 2.5 hours to get fixed, was STILL ON MY CAR! What?! Leave it to Wal-Mart. They put a new tire on the back drivers side and the tire that we needed was the front passengers side. Silly. We were on our way out to go shopping when we decided to go ahead and get it fixed. Not what I wanted to do on my birthday. We got a free tire out of it though.
We came home so I could cook my favorite summertime meal. I wanted to cook on birthday because it's something that I LOVE to do! I love love love to make dinner for our family and sit down at the table together in the evening. Here's the outcome...tomatoe pie, corn on the cob, fried eggplant, and peaches!

Grey and Matthew enjoy it as well!

Matthew had given me a Hoops and YoYo card that talked and Grey was obssessed with it! He got the biggest smile and laughed and laughed. I think that's the only present he's going to get from us from now on!

We were going to end the day with s'mores but our unexpected trip to wal-mart kind of shot that plan. Just another reason to celebrate tonight! Matthew and I watched a movie and had brownies and ice cream instead.
There's my recap of the day. Nothing spectacular but it was great! It was nice having Matthew home and him allowing me to do whatever I wanted all day. I just enjoyed time with the family. Looking forward to next year but as in my regular fashion, the celebrating will continue...
Shoot! I wanted you to have your card on your birthday, and I thought you would be at your parents' house, so I sent it there. Guess that is what happens when pregnant women think!
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, Happy (late) Birthday!! I thought about it, but never got around to calling or my apologies for the tardiness! I'm glad that you had a fun day! Seth and I have started the last several years doing something or going somewhere special for birthdays and anniversaries instead of gifts since we can never think of anything that we just makes it more memorable and fun:) for the whole fam. You look great and seem like you've adjusted nicely to a family of four (five if you include the dog). Talk to you later and keep celebrating as long as they'll let you! Love you!
ReplyDeleteHope your birthday was a special one. You deserve a week of celebration...
ReplyDeleteLove you!
ReplyDeleteWould you share your recipe for the eggplant and tomato pie? It looks DELICOUS! And something I would NEVER pick out of a cookbook but it looks so yummy on your plate!
Happy Birthday Month!!!