first born baby boy.
eight years with you, sweet boy, have really been so wonderful. you makes us proud but also keep us humble. i just enjoy being with you. there are so many things that make you grey bear.
you have grown so much in a years time. from your physical stature to your heart and everything in between.
this year is a hard one to write to you, my biggest boy.
because this year you have grown in much different ways than ever before. i know all the ways of growing are necessary but sometimes i'd just rather bypass the hard ones. i know those harder times are making you the man you will be and i am grateful we are the ones guiding you through them all. we have encountered growing pains as we are learning together what it's like to live in this world but be called to focus somewhere different. it's hard. really hard.
the matters of your heart continue to churn and turn and come out in the biggest of ways that shock daddy and i more than you know. you get it. you get the truth of the gospel and it has broken your heart. you think and chew and think some more on most everything. that is so very awesome when it comes to the truth and it's so very not awesome when it comes to things that are not true. so we are packing in all the truth we can in the time you are with us to arm you up and send you out for those times where there is not as much encouragement around you. we see you fighting the battle hard and hope this is a place of refuge and rest for you.
you like to have it all figured out and i think you are beginning to learn that doesn't always work out. and we are walking through some of those hard things together. we see you starting to understand that God really is in control and it truly is better that way. that will be something you will treasure for the rest of your days if you can learn it at this age young man. we pray for the peace that can only come with understanding this truth.
we've been working very hard on communication specifically this year. you are learning more and more how to put your emotions into words and we have had some really awesome talks. your best time is right before bed. a good back rub and some laughs really get you talking.
you get notes from girls asking if they can come play at your house on a regular basis :) i really just think you are a loyal friend and enjoy their company. you have made some wonderful friends this year and it is fun to hear how you love them. one of your best friends, addie, is moving in june and you want to save up to fly to oregon to visit her. it's going to be a hard goodbye for sure.
you have become quite the runner and it was evidenced in your 3 miles in 30 minutes at your fun run. you were determined, set a goal, and surpassed it. you enjoy running with daddy early in the morning. you climb trees, play all sorts of make believe in the woods with your brothers and friends, and climb and swing until your heart's content.
you still love legos the most and are constantly creating things that blow me away. you engineer and craft things just so and it's fun to see your mind through your creations.
you read so so much. you come home from school and you read and read and read. i have to make you put books down from time to time.
you continue to thrive at school and have absolutely loved your second grade teacher, Mrs. Adams. you love math and have really enjoyed some extra challenges this year. we are so proud of the hard work you put in at school.
you always have a story for us or a funny joke. or a well thought out scenario to make us laugh. you are very much an eight year old boy.
i have realized recently that you feel so loved when we hug and kiss you. i have taken note of this in your everyday and am so excited to know how to make you feel more loved. you also are energized with quality time still so we fit that in whenever we can.
you anticipated Lucy more than any of us. and now that she is here, you love her so dearly. she feels safe with you and lets you hold her for long periods of time. you cherish her and it is precious to watch you love your sister. one of your most said phrases has been, "i can't believe it. i can't believe we actually have a baby sister."
you remain the leader of your brotherhood and can usually manipulate the other two into doing your ideas. but from time to time they push back and you are slowly learning that they have good ideas too :) you love them so much and have unique relationships with both tucker and will. they look up to you and love to have you near.
i am so ready for you to be home for the summer. you are so essential to our family and we miss you while you are at school. you have always been my sidekick, keeping me on my toes. we watch birds together and talk about all of their intricacies. we play games, make up songs, and just sit and talk on the back porch or in the hammock. you are my precious, precious son and i could not be more thankful for these years with you.
i love your insights into motherhood, especially when it comes to mothering your children individually. you've always been such a thoughtful, intentional mama. thank you for your example!