three months of lucy!
she giggles at us and talks a lot. her smile is definitely contagious. she loves to bring her hands to the middle and hold them there. she found her feet and thinks they are very interesting! she started rolling both ways at only 10 weeks. she rolls clear across the living room! she wants to be constantly moving.
she is enthralled by her brothers. she tracks them going down the zip line and smiles every time she sees them! she loves eye contact and follows us intently. she likes to look at books with mommy and listen to music. i have found a few tickle spots that evoke the cutest little laugh. she calms to singing, praying, and intense bouncing :)
these have not been easy months to say the least. but day by day we figure this little one out more and more. we got her on the right medicine for reflux and she is so very much happier. we are working towards self soothing for naps now that i know she is not in pain. i am so proud of her! she is learning. she is fairly persistent which gives me a little insight to her already. i love knowing her more every day!
i am so in awe that i have a daughter. a precious daughter.
She's a blessing just like you!
ReplyDeleteher sweetness is so evident. i am so excited to watch her grow!