i sure can't believe this boy is four years old. my baby boy.
that grin is still the most charming. and his annunciation of everything he says is absolutely the cutest. his little mind is working full speed all the time.
tucker is his closest companion and they have so many adventures together. he follows him with confidence and they are the best of explorers.
but i so often find him in a world of his own. pretending. he is ALWAYS pretending. he is constantly in a world of his own, dressed from head to toe in his role, and playing it full force. he loves to build legos and read books. he plays with bugs and worms and adventures in the woods. he's not afraid of most things and is a pretty tough cookie.
he is the silliest of all sillies. he holds his own with his brothers and is learning to be more respectful of others every day. he loves to talk about underwear and poop. and he laughs so hard at grey's jokes and antics. he trusts him so very much and knows he is always for him.
he wants to read so badly. but most of the time he just wants to play. play, play, and play some more. he begs for us to just let him play. so we do. a lot.
he loves weapons and the dollar store. separately and together. because the dollar store is the mecca of finding weapons.
he's learning to FINALLY pump his legs on the swing.
he sits and holds a conversation with the best of them. he is persistent and inquisitive.
such a special one this william. and i'm glad he's ours!
happiest birthday, sir william! ever the charmer.