How far along?: 37 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: i think somewhere between 25-30 pounds, i think.
Maternity clothes? get me OUT of them. ugh.
Stretch marks? still no thank goodness. although this time around i have varicose veins in one of my legs that i'm hoping will go away once she's here. i'm hoping...
Sleep: very hard to get and to stay comfortable but sleeping really well when i am comfortable.
Best moment this week: realizing we are SO close to meeting her. thinking more realistically about what she will look like and watching old videos of the boys as babies.
Movement: still a good bit of movement. she is smaller than the boys so she probably has more room to move around. i can feel her stretch her entire body out and i'm just ready to feel her in my arms.
Cravings: fruit. lots of juicy fruit!
Labor Signs: only some braxton hicks. and a few days last weekend i just really didn't feel good. can't put it into words but maybe my body was doing something!
Belly Button in or out? out
What I am looking forward to: oh so much! holding her, watching her sleep, nursing her, watching the boys be brothers to her. cooking together, talking together, having a daughter! i am also selfishly looking forward to having a non-pregnant body and exercising regularly again.
What I miss: as mentioned above, a proportionate body and running.
Random facts: she has been measuring at the EXACT week we are on! the boys all measured at least 2, if not 3 weeks ahead of where i actually was. and they were large babies. people constantly comment on how small i am and really, i am much smaller than usual. the boys are talking to her and about her all the time and making plans for when they think she will be here. it's all still so surreal to me. i really should get a carseat for her!
Milestones: i am hoping to go into labor this time around which would be a first. because she doesn't seem to be gigantic like the boys, there is no plan of anything other than going into labor the good ol' fashioned way. i'm totally looking forward to it!
you just look so beautiful. you always do, but there is something really special about that baby belly :) cannot wait to see you as a mama of a little lady!