So I had been planning on hanging out with Grey before Tucker came. On Friday night Meghan and I went on a date with the help of some awesome babysitters. When she went to go get dressed, she invited Grey to help her pick out what she was going to wear on her date with daddy. Then Grey started saying, "I go on date wif daddy."
So the next day after our morning ritual of breakfast, mickey mouse clubhouse, and coffee, Grey and I headed out to go feed the ducks at a local pond. We had to run through the sprinklers to get down to where we were headed. As we were walking down the walkway, we had a little daddy/grey talk about how tucker was coming. I was reminding him how he was going to be a big brother, and how he would have to teach tucker certain things. Most importantly I talked about how much daddy and mommy love Grey so much and Tucker won't make that go away. We talked about how Tucker was part of our family now. He probably didn't understand half of what I was saying, but I just wanted him to know that he would always be daddy's little buddy.
Anyhow, Grey and I have been to this pond before, but we were never met with such a crowd of pond creatures. There were probably 15 ducks and about 20 turtles. Grey kept yelling, "DUCKIES! TOME (come) HERE!" We threw out quite a few carbohydrates, but I'm pretty sure they liked the whole wheat bagels the best.
After feeding the ducks to the point that they went away, we heading off to "the woods" (some trails behind a local neighborhood), and went for a hike. Grey was so excited to go exploring in the woods. He was jumping off of the tree roots and running over all the bridges (I happened to find a pile of bones from a large animal piled up in one of the creeks) and he eventually sat on a big tree stump to eat his snack.
All around, it was such an awesome time with my little buddy. This was the best time that we have ever had together, and I look forward to many more like it.
"will the person who dumped their dead cat over the side of the bridge please come pick up their bones?" - matthew a. cavin