Sunday, June 28, 2015

lmc . five months

lucy girl turned five months at the beach. 

oh this baby. she is such an incredible delight to all of us. 

she has been sitting all on her own for a few seconds at a time. we also find her on her hands and knees quite often. she is always ready to go. a mover and a shaker. she is watching her brothers ever so carefully these days and is so delighted by the slightest of attention her way. it doesn't take much at all to get a smile. she giggles and coos and gets so very excited at the sight of those she knows well. she is beginning to feel a little shy towards those she's not too sure about but will flash a smile when in mommy or daddy's arms. 

she had her first sick visit to the doctor for a double ear infection this month. she weighed in at a whopping 11 lbs 12.4 oz. 

"oh look at all that hair!" and "she is just SO little!" are the most common things we hear from others concerning this baby girl. they are both true. 

but she's ours and she is the best. 

Thursday, June 04, 2015

first and last day of school 2014 -2015

 {first day of second grade, august 2014}

{last day of second grade,  june 2015}

{first day of kindergarten, august 2014} 

{last day of kindergarten, june 2015}

{beginning of 3 year MMO, september 2014} 

{end of 3 year MMO, june 2015}


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