we found out while Grey and Tuck were gone that we are having a little girl! so we decided on having a surprise confetti party in the backyard once they got home to reveal if they were having a little brother or a little sister. Grey couldn't wait to get home to find out :)
we had this whole plan of rigging up a bucket with confetti and when they pulled it JUST the confetti would fall. instead they all three pulled the rope and the entire bucket fell.
they were still surprised and had a blast playing with all the pink confetti!
sweet Tuck has declared the entire time God was giving him a "grill" (his way of saying girl) so when he saw the pink he said, "i wanted a GRILL and God gave us a grill!!!!! i knew it!!!!"
we told the boys they would have to protect a sister so they all got prepared with guns in hand.
this is such a fun memory for us as a family. and this girl is going to be smothered and covered in love and protection!