it feels like we've been home very little in june and july is going to be even less. but our time here has been well spent. i finished up lots of editing for others and i have actually picked up my real camera here these past few weeks to take pictures of our happenings.
boys, this is just a taste for you to remember through an image what summer was like for you as young boys. i have the fondest memories myself of summer days well spent and want you to look back and remember that summer is a different time of the year. life is full and keeps giving. time slows but also moves fast. the days are long and the grass is green. you get to stay up late and eat ice cream. i love watching childhood happen through you.
we spent a pleasant afternoon reading books together on the trampoline under the shady trees. though will bounced around a little, it didn't seem to bother the older two.
the boys really enjoy playing in the pool we have just right outside our back door. and they are always very hungry for lots of fruit after their adventures in the pool.
we only have a couple of tomato plants this year but they produce so many cherry tomatoes! the boys LOVE to pick them but heaven forbid they eat one. i for one, pop them like candy. i made my first tomato pie of the season last night for the hubs and i with some really delicious tomatoes i got at a market nearby. yummy!
{just a small sampling we picked yesterday}
{grey came up with this pose}
homemade peach ice cream. need i say more?
we've been riding bikes and scooters. playing with sidewalk chalk and jumping on the trampoline. we eat outside when it's not too hot. we've been buying fresh vegetables and fruit galore. we play in the sprinkler and smell of sunscreen.
we bought a big bag of fresh cherries this past week and i have to admit i only shared a few. we enjoyed an afternoon out on the deck after nap time eating cherries, spitting the seeds, and talking. their faces were just so cute not to capture in the moment.
and oh the zinnias! they add color and a little taste of delicacy to our table.
one evening we surprised grey and tuck and let them stay up late and shoot fireworks with daddy. they are never with him for the fourth so we had our own little celebration a touch early. they were ecstatic!
let the shirtless, endless playing, fort building, pool swimming, watermelon eating, summer days continue!