january. we begin to seek and ask and wait to hear from the Lord about a lot of things.
snow fun!
february. clarity.
preparing for a new brother and loving the one they already had.
march. beginning to flesh out faith and trust in a whole new way.
will is here!
april. we wait in obedience and watch as the Lord provides in ways that blow our mind.
and the boys initiate will into their brotherhood.
may. life seemed to all come together for a bit.
celebrated these two guys turning two and four.
june. new light shed on old things.
oh the beach!
july. a hard month all around. the start of a new beginning.
the boys and i shared LOTS of time together while daddy traveled.
august. better understanding my role with my boys.
finishing out the summer!
september. a beautiful season of restoration and endurance.
and the boys both start school! grey in a 4 day pre-k and tuck in 2 day MMO.
october. quiet moments lead to big decisions.
lots of fire pit evenings.
november. experiencing tangible grace.
attempted instilling gratefulness into our boys. spent some good time together.
december. reveled in the greatness of God and His activity in our hearts, lives, and family this year.
enjoyed the season celebrating our Savior's coming to earth as a baby. "it's good news!!!!" as tucker has exclaimed all month. it truly is. very good news.
i reflected on 2011 here. only 10 months in to 2011. and i was right, the last two months matched the rest of the year.
we sat around a table with coffee and dessert the night that matthew turned 31 and talked about highlights from the year. all i know is God is working working working to make Himself famous in our hearts. sometimes it really stinks and is really hard. other times we bask in joyous circumstances. He's using all sorts of avenues but when it comes down to it, He just wants us to obey Him. to know Him and to obey Him.
i can't wait to see what's in store for 2012.