It's almost time.
I am astonished that 9 months has passed so quickly. Here we are waiting in anticipation for our third little boy to enter the world.
It's almost time.
Unfortunately, this is the ONLY purposeful picture I have of this sweet baby in the womb. 37 weeks today, or was it yesterday?! I really don't know for sure. I do know that little Grey Bear is ready to meet his littlest brother and kisses my belly so often, I sometimes think he's attached. Then there's the Tuck Monster who is exactly that, monster-like and a mommy's boy. He's typically on my hip. Again, sometimes I think he's attached. He knows where the baby is and calls him by name which melts my heart.
It's almost time.
I am more than ready physically speaking. My body aches at the end of the day and my feet are swelling just a tad by about 6 pm every day. It's getting hard to keep up with the little ones so I'm ready to have a little of my energy and ability to cut my toenails back. I am having Braxton Hicks frequently and this baby is dropping a little lower each day.
It's almost time.
We have been working on a special room for our third baby boy. It's not complete and there is stuff laying everywhere.If I were to take more than "glimpse" pictures, I may think it was a room for collecting yard sale items. The more I get moved around and hung up, the more excited I get to see my baby boy sleeping in his sweet little crib that I slept in as a baby, along with my brothers. I plan on hopefully completing the nursery this week in anticipation that he will not arrive much before his scheduled due date. Here are just a few glimpses that I'm not promising will even remain by the time I take pictures later this week.
It's almost time.
I have been waking up in the wee hours of the morning not able to get back to sleep. This has never, ever happened to me in my entire life and I don't know what to do with myself. I have been putting on a pot of coffee at 3:30 or 4 a.m. and embracing the early morning hours alone. My time with the Lord has been excellent, this is my best time for sure. But as soon as about 10:00 hits, I'm done. I can't imagine this will be a normal occurance in about 3 weeks as my body will most likely be begging for sleep. Apparently now it thinks that 5 hours is enough for my big ol' self. I have other news for it. But I'm confident the Lord will sustain me.
It's almost time.
Littlest man is positioned and ready to go. He gets the hiccups all.the.time. I can pretty much articulate his every move. I am trying to cherish this as much as I can when there isn't a little foot jabbing my internal organs. I will miss it when he's out in my arms. I seriously cannot wait to inspect every precious inch of his body. I will miss the coffee table that is conveniently located just below my mouth that holds bowls and cups so perfectly.
It's almost time.
Our eyes are ready to meet his. Our arms are ready to hold him. Our hearts are ready to embrace his. Grey Bear is ready to bring him some cupcakes, green ones at that, for his actual birthday at the hospital. Thank goodness IT'S ALMOST TIME.