Tuesday, November 30, 2010

thanksgiving day

We spent Thanksgiving in Simpsonville this year where we got to spend time with my side of the family. It seems as though my parent's house gets fuller and fuller every time we are together. Along with louder and much more rambunctious! I love seeing my brothers and their families all at once, even if it is just for a day that we are ALL together. 

Thanksgiving Day was filled with much conversation, laughter, squeals, cooking, eating, and some good ol' fashioned quality time together. These times seem too far between but they are so good when they happen! Here's a snapshot of our day under one roof.

Allison and Reagan working in the kitchen on one super delicious apple pie!

 Nathan spent time doing really important things. {that was sarcastic. angry birds will get you every time}

These 3 little turkeys sure did have a good time together. The boys couldn't wait for Greer to get there Thursday morning and they played hard all day!

Marmie had a special Turkey for them to make and enjoy.

while Poppie snoozed nearby...

Tuck and Luke enjoyed snacks side by side

then we gathered for a few family pictures.

We topped off the day with a delicious dinner including Allison's apple pie! 

Until next year...

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

i have to remember

I've been trying to roll with the punches a little more often than not. Lately, if I don't roll with the punches, I just might go crazy in certain moments. 

In the moments that Tucker decides it's way more fun to smear his hands in the food on his plate and then push his plate off of the table onto the floor, I have to remember. In the moments that Grey just has to have that giant leaf for his never ending collection that will end up crumbled up in tiny pieces on our rug, I have to remember. In the moments that my little explorers get into the pantry and dump out entire boxes of pasta, bags of pretzels, or rice, I have to remember. When I can't see through the window to the deck because of all the caked on film, I have to remember. When I am scraping squished raisins off of the floor, I have to remember. When I watch Tucker throw an entire bowl of yogurt onto the floor just to watch it spew, I have to remember. When I am explaining for the 5000th time in a day that "yes, he will cry if you body slam him on the hardwood floor and he bangs his head," I have to remember. When I am cleaning up the 5th cup of spilled milk in a day, I have to remember. When I have repeated the phrase "you need to choose to obey the first time" 400 times a day,  I have to remember.

I have to remember.

To be thankful that God has provided the food to fill our tummies that sometimes ends up on the floor. To be thankful that Grey and Tucker are healthy and curious little boys that have each other to play with. To be thankful that I have the ability to clean up tiny hand prints. To be thankful that my boys have the capability to learn and to grow and to play. To be thankful that I get to spend my every day with them.  

The physical demands are great. The needs of my children are great. This phase of life with young children can leave me completely and utterly worn out at the end of the day (and the middle of the day). Physically, mentally, and emotionally worn out. These days are full. I have to remember to be thankful in all things, for God willed such a time as this. And at this time of the year I am so very grateful for this time in our lives. No matter how exhausting it can be at times, the joy is unending. 

Thursday, November 18, 2010

fulfilling a list

I am not going to procrastinate this year like I do every year. I WILL get some things done and taken care of early so that I can enjoy the Christmas season with my boys. I intend to every year but every year I follow the same suit as before, I wait until the last minute for everything. Last year I intended to plan something for us to do every day in December until Christmas. Did that happen like I had planned? HA! 

I have decided to look to someone else REALLY smart, Mary Catherine, who filled us in on the super, spectacular deal from Shutterfly this year. 50 FREE Christmas cards?! Yes please!!! That was easy. Woop woop! 

They have tons upon tons of the cutest photo cards to choose from. I mean really, I don't know how I'm going to choose!

Every year Matthew's parents get a calendar full of pictures from the year. It's a great way for them to be reminded of the precious blessing of family all year. I'm so excited it's my year to make the calendar!

Whew. Glad I will have a couple things marked off my list thanks to Shutterfly! Now it's on to quite a few more things... 

Monday, November 15, 2010

full moments

I have tried at least 10 or more times to write the words that accurately depict what is in my heart. The words aren't there. They just aren't. I'm not going to force it. I need to move on and hopefully they will come eventually. I have spent the last few months studying Colossians. The Lord has been faithful to teach me innumerable things but I know He's not done. I am technically done with the study but it's obvious to me, He's not done teaching me. I've found myself at 6 a.m. standing in awe of Jesus and all that He is. That alone has changed the minutes that make up my days but He has more to teach me. 

So I'll wait. 

I have seen immediate fruit in a few areas of my life. It's incredibly encouraging in my walk to have those immediate "changes" take place as a result of Christ in me. And to know that's exactly why there is change. Not because of anything I can muster up. It's Christ in me. Thank you God. 

One of those areas is simply awareness. Awareness that the Lord has placed me where I am, at such a time as this, and He intends that I work heartily and give Him thanks. The joy He has filled my heart with in the simple moments with my boys is unexplainable. Not to say every moment is magical because believe me, they aren't. But I will say that His joy has filled my soul in my mundane days with them. 

Our simple moments together have been filled with an extra fullness. When I look at these two pictures that were taken last week at a park, they sum up for me the fullness of our time. These moments I will hold so close to my heart. I thank God for the mundane and gently teaching me in even these moments.

Tuesday, November 09, 2010


I have a feeling I will have a lot of upcoming posts titled "boys." My observations of my own in recent days have really gotten me siked to add another to the bunch. This particular Cavin family is busting at the seems with a lively bunch of boys. Out of the womb and IN the womb. Baby Boy Cavin is quite the mover and shaker himself. 

Exhibit A. The Tuck Man carries a gun (a water gun) with him wherever he goes. (and apparently the spanking stick in this instance) Excuse me, I mean wherever he runs.
*look at those legs!

He even takes it with him on the tractor with daddy. We have deemed him our official bodyguard.

Exhibit B. This is my more mild mannered boy thus far. 

In all his Grey Bearness, he is VERY curious. Never missing a beat. I love seeing life through his little eyes.

He even will make this face for me frequently to which I reply "ahhh! It's a warrior coming after me!" 

I'm confident we will never lack this particular hair style or look of wonderment at birds, planes, tractors, trucks, etc.

 There will never be a lack of trains and all the sounds that come with them. All the spit provoking sounds.

There will always be certain bodily functions that create the biggest smiles. Along with terrorizing and catching frogs in the yard. Tractor rides with feet up abandoning all fear. Animal noises that always end up in a growl accompanied with claws to scare the predator.

Wrestling. Lots of wrestling. Whether it's with each other or friends! (Krista is a good sport) Our days are filled with tackling, pile ons, and body slams already. I can only foresee these activities becoming more frequent and intense. 

Oh how the list could go on and on and on and on, I am taking hold of the testosterone and really really really enjoying it. Did I say really? I meant it. I have embraced being completely outnumbered. 

One thing is for sure. Boys do love their mommies. Along with the body slams and dirt eating, the cuddles and kisses are just as frequent. The "hold me mommy" is heard often and the "I love you's" are habitual. As I know our lives will be full and lively and loud, I wouldn't trade it! 

Thursday, November 04, 2010

autumn day

 As we spent almost all day outside on Tuesday, I grabbed the camera and was planning on catching some shots of the boys playing in the leaves.  Of course as soon as we made it out the door, Grey made his way down to Adam and Krista's and I was left with this sweet little face. We sat on the deck and watched planes and birds. It's one of my most favorite things to do with him. And if he could express it in words, I think he would say the same. 

As I was capturing this little man's enthusiasm for planes and birds I managed to switch my camera to shoot in RAW. Little did I know it was just the kick in the pants I needed in "photographical venture." I will spare all the details of my photography woes and the defeat in my life but I will say I am going to challenge myself in new ways coming in the near future. Starting with hopefully some professional instruction at some point. I can't imagine what I could learn when I'm not teaching myself!

The following pictures were not shot in RAW but I wanted to post a few from a fun afternoon with friends. And apparently Tucker decided to be still enough for me to get more than a blurry shot of his pretty blue eyes. 

Tucker loves Krista. I mean loves her. His smile is at it's biggest when he sees her and very clearly tries to say her name. She is quite the "little momma" and keeps her eye on him at all times.  I loved watching them play in the tiny pile of leaves I raked. It's the little things that create the most fun.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

costumes and carvings

We had an unexpected weekend at home and boy did we take full advantage of it! We carved our family pumpkin complete with roasting the seeds and playing in the mush. That's personally always been my favorite part since my own childhood. Grey was so proud of his daddy's carving and couldn't quit smiling.

 {My Future Farmer took a break to sweep the deck for us.}

The boys had a few opportunities to obtain lots of treats this weekend. My personal favorite was at church Sunday night. The ol' classic "Trunk or Treat." Our small group put together a money winning trunk! And when I say our small group, I really mean all the other ladies. I was not much help. We did Candy Land and each couple was a color of the candy path. Matthew and I were orange and had gumdrops taped to our shirts. Tuck ripped Matthew's off early in the evening and yes, he meant to have his shirt on inside out. It was a blast!

This is our winning trunk (most detailed. woo hoo!) with everyone minus the Johns. The sun was mega bright so it was extremely difficult to get a picture plus all the details.

The evening started out a little rough for Tuck. Drew was a happy camper with his sister's princess bucket. Tuck just needed a little something to wet his whistle. 

That's the ticket!

We even had a Ms. Mint to go with our trunk! It was awesome.

Tuck's choice candy for Halloween, suckers and lots of them!

I personally am glad that holiday is over. It's definitely probably my least favorite but is followed by my most favorite time of the year. A season of gratefulness and of course Christmas!


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