Each Thursday evening, Matthew and I, along with 5 other couples, gather in our home. The day for me before this time is fairly hectic trying to clean (thankful for this otherwise who knows when it would get done) and cook and play etc. I am always excited once 5:45 rolls around when the boys head down the hill to the Provin’s (neighbors) and the adults gather in our kitchen. I love the sound of lots of chatter and the laughter that fills our home in a heartbeat.
Between the 6 couples we have 16 kiddos, soon to be 17. You could say our quivers are full J The oldest is 12 and youngest 6 months (not including baby boy Cavin in the womb). We are blessed to say the least.
{some of the bunch}
We come in and eye what each family brought to share with the group to eat. Matthew made this rule about 2 years ago that he would pray for the food if there was meat. Don’t ask. Usually he thanks God for the food.
The girls always sit around the table and the men always sit in the living room to eat. They talk about…well I don’t really know what they talk about, but we talk about everything from our week, to different events in our lives, to our children. Typical women things. The night is never complete without a joke about how “old” certain members of our group are. There are probably 8-10 years difference between all of us but it’s just fun (being one of the younger ones) to point out the fact that some of us were in middle school while others of us were graduating college. You know, friendly banter.
We have done all kinds of things as far as our discussion together. What I love most is being a part of a group of believers who desires to encourage one another in our walks with the Lord. The benefit of small group is that Matthew and I get to do something together. Though we still both lead a 10th grade boys and girls small group separately during the week, we actually get to experience the benefits of being a part of something with others that are seeking the Lord and having similar life experiences together. It’s been so good for the both of us.
We have also both developed great relationships through our group. God has blessed us with friends. With friends that are headed in the same direction as us. Friends that struggle. Friends that like to have a really good time. Friends that have children that are now our *children’s friends.
*Grey gets ridiculously excited about Thursday night. He asks me 55 times every Thursday if it’s time for small group yet. It's a good bargaining tool for him to take a nap or eat dinner. He would be crushed if he had to miss out.
We just had a couple from our group, Sean and Mendy, lead a group to Ecuador to minister to orphans there. It was a pleasure walking with them from the beginning stages to the actual trip sending them off and welcoming them home. We watched and prayed as the Lord provided workers, funds, and opportunities. Cindy, also from our group, committed to going on the trip as well and was blessed tremendously in her time there. I loved sitting and listening to them share one night over dinner all the things the Lord had done knowing that was not even half of it. The greatest thing was and is watching God continue to stretch and grow them in their ministry constantly.
{this picture from the blog where you can read all about their trip!}
We are learning slowly what it means to be the church together. Though we are not good at it yet, that is still the desire of our hearts for our small group. We are all growing and changing but learning and sharing together. Some weeks I feel like we learn and share more than others but the truth is I love it every week. Two and a half years in and I am more than grateful for what the Lord has blessed us with every Thursday!