Monday, July 23, 2007

God's funny, sweet little gift

About a year ago, Matthew and I sat down to dinner at our most favorite local restaurant to finalize our decision to send me back to school to become an Occupational Therapist. Little did we know that a week later, I would finally give in to Matthew's urgings for me to take a pregnancy test. We both took a time out before sprinting back into the bathroom to find that not just one, but two lines would appear! CRAZY i know but here is that sweet little face that is God's perfect bundle of joy that He decided to bless us with at just the right time. Despite my worry that our child was not going to be cute at all (that's right, i wasn't worried about diseases or deformities, just the fact that if my child was not so cute, i would have major issues) HE IS INSANELY CUTE! i can't deny it.

i really think that as Matthew and I sat down to eat dinner that night to finalize a decision that took us months upon months to make, God was in funny mode and laughing hysterically at us because we obviously had no idea what perfect plan was in store for us! the fact that i was pregnant was such a surprise to matthew and i so we left everything a surprise. we had no idea if the baby was going to be a girl or boy. it was great!

Here he is...Greyden Levi Cavin. he's such a stud. matthew and i are learning so much about being parents and understand that this is part of our journey together. we have learned more about each other in these past 3 months and continue to seek the Lord in how He would have us raise the child that He created for his glory! He loves Grey more than we every could and we find the greatest comfort in knowing He is Grey's Creator.

Follow us in the Cavin Journey...hence, viaje de cavin! we will update often!


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